2019 Advocacy Victory

SC&RA Steps Up and Takes Lead on Bridge Safety & Accident Prevention

Through research conducted by the American Transportation Research Institute and funded by the SC&RF (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Foundation), it is clear that bridge hits are becoming a growing problem in the U.S. Bridge hits in general reflect on our industry, fairly or unfairly, and SC&RA, as the leader in advocacy for the specialized transportation industry, has developed its first online course, Bridge Safety & Accident Prevention. Developed by the SC&RA Transportation Training Taskforce comprised of members and state transportation and government officials, the course will work with WASHTO (Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), to pilot the program to states within its region. SC&RA hopes that success derived from the pilot will encourage additional states and related organizations to recommend the training for chronic offenders. SC&RA remains proactive on this topic so that increases or perceived increases in bridge hits will not encourage governments to implement policies or adopt new laws that may punish safe carriers and put them at a competitive disadvantage.

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