Who We Are

The SC&RF (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Foundation) was formed in 1986 as a private Foundation to support the SC&RA members and industry at large. Since its inception, the SC&RF has invested nearly one million dollars in educational assistance through scholarships and grants. More than $700,000 has been invested in industry-specific research to benefit SC&RA member companies and provide an advocacy platform for SC&RA.  New workforce development initiatives support member companies and provide national industry awareness.

The SC&RF is a 501(c)3 organization and is supported by companies, individuals and like organizations. 

What We Do

The SC&RF provides the following programs to impact Workforce Development:

  • Collegiate Scholarships
  • Vo/Tech Scholarships
  • Company Training Grants
  • Industry Research
  • Workforce Ambassador Program

Scholarship Winner

Workforce Ambassador winners

Volunteer Board and Committees

The SC&RF is governed by a board and committees. SC&RA members are invited to serve to advance programs and give back to the industry.  Click here to learn more about the committees,


  • Educational Assistance 
  • Research
  • Workforce Development
  • Communications/Development

Tax-Deductible Donations

Keep in mind that donations to the SC&RF are tax deductible, and individual and corporate contributors are recognized throughout the year at various SC&RA events, in the newsletter and on the website.

Donate at


Visit the SC&RF Website to Learn more about all programs, apply for a scholarship or grant and download research.




Get in Touch

We would love to hear from you.

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