Workforce Development

At SC&RA, we recognize how challenging, exciting and rewarding a career in the crane, rigging and specialized transportation industry can be. The SC&RA Strategic Plan recognizes workforce development as a key initiative – with an emphasis on supporting and equipping members with the means to attract and retain a quality workforce.

We also appreciate that just about every sector within the skilled trades is struggling to find and/or keeping quality talent. We’re inspired on a daily basis by how our valued members around the world have met the skilled-worker shortage head on with flexibility, innovation and, at times, basic grit. Which is why we’re also working hard to do our part.


The SC&RF (Specialized Carriers & Rigging Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists to support SC&RA member companies and the industry as a whole. The SC&RF invests in industry-specific research projects and awards scholarships and grants annually. The SC&RF  has developed workforce awareness initiatives to educate the next generation of workforce. The SC&RA members are encouraged to join the SC&RF Workforce Ambassador program to promote industry awareness at the local level. 

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Leadership Forum

The SC&RA Leadership Forum program, developed in 2016, engages rising leaders and provides them with the necessary tools to leverage their SC&RA memberships for company and career success. Hosted in conjunction, but on a separate track, with the Specialized Transportation Symposium and Crane & Rigging Workshop each year, SC&RA staff selects a diverse group of candidates, from many different industry segments, regions and backgrounds, to meet and discuss industry challenges and opportunities among like-minded peers and hear first-hand from members who have leveraged SC&RA for their businesses and personal advancement. Contact Jason Bell,, for more information.

Online Training

SC&RA has developed online courses for the industry that are affordable and offer your employees the chance to learn at their own pace. In addition, SC&RA offers a robust webinar archive and recordings of sessions from the Specialized Transportation Symposium and the Crane & Rigging Workshop.

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SC&RA Training Products

SC&RA’s various training materials also provide members with the opportunity to educate their workforce and increase the likelihood that valued workers will appreciate the chance to grow with the company and pursue a career.

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