Crane Age


In 2016, the City of Cincinnati introduced a proposed ordinance in its attempt to strengthen crane safety within the city limits. Two key aspects of the ordinance (limiting the age of cranes working within the city and imposing minimum insurance limits) would have serious impacts on SC&RA member companies operating in Cincinnati’s crane and rigging market.

These regulations would have also provided an unfair competitive advantage to larger companies, which could have prohibited smaller companies from bidding on jobs in Cincinnati.


SC&RA immediately contacted the Allied Construction Industries Association of Ohio (ACI), Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and the European Federation of Manufacturers (FEM) to discuss ways the groups could work together on this issue. SC&RA also wrote Cincinnati’s mayor, expressing concern with the proposed ordinance, and requested they reconsider the proposed language.The City Council ultimately voted and passed revised Ordinance #92-2016, which included revised insurance limits in line with industry norms and removed the requirement that cranes working in the city must be less than 20 years old.

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