Announcing the Formation of Two New Crane & Rigging Task Forces

- The Crane & Rigging Group is convening two new task forces focusing on criteria for the Group’s Safety Awards criteria and Rigging Job of the Year Competition. Details are as follows: 

Crane & Rigging Safety Award Task Force
  • Objective: This task force will undertake a comprehensive review of our Safety Award Incident Expense Frequency Rate criteria, which currently stands at 1.0. The goal is to ensure that our safety standards remain robust and reflective of the evolving landscape of our industry.
  • Your Impact: By joining this task force, you will have the opportunity to guide the criteria that govern our safety awards, shaping them to better address the realities of increased costs and prevailing economic conditions. Your expertise and insights will be invaluable in refining our safety standards and promoting a culture of safety excellence.
Rigging Job of the Year Competition Task Force
  • Objective: This task force will focus on reviewing the existing category delineations, judging point system, and exploring the possibility of broadening participation to include other member companies, such as engineering firms, in our prestigious Rigging Job of the Year competition.
  • Your Impact: As a member of this task force, you will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our Rigging Job of the Year competition. Your input will help ensure that the competition criteria accurately reflect the diversity and innovation within our industry, while also fostering collaboration and engagement among our member companies.

As a member, your voice matters. By participating in these task forces, you will have a direct impact on shaping the standards and criteria that govern our industry awards and competitions.

If you are interested in serving on either of these Task Forces, please contact Beth O’Quinn.



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