SC&RA Opposes Unnecessary Regulations on Crane Activities in Virginia

- SC&RA, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), and the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (CCO) wrote letters last month to the Virginia General Assembly in opposition to H.B. 1392 and S.B. 840, bills directing the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry to promulgate regulations regarding the allowance of active or passive load stabilization as deemed necessary during crane operation. Both the Senate and House have now passed this by indefinitely.

The organizations posited that the language proposed in this bill is in direct conflict with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards that have long been the national safety standard for the industry. Specifically, the language proposed adds new roles, “Safety Engineer” and “Project
Manager”, that are not identified in the ASME B30 standards. Further, there are no qualifications or
responsibilities defined for these roles within the regulation. The proposed bill would have resulted in creating a lack of clarity which, in turn, results in less safe work sites and an extremely burdensome requirement for companies and their workers. SC&RA, AEM and CCO also noted that if the Commonwealth believed the current language at the federal level is inadequate or doesn’t fully address the use of these mechanisms, the organizations would work with the Assembly on language that suggests a comprehensive approach that may include alternate solutions. For more information, contact Senior V.P. of Crane & Rigging Beth O’Quinn

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