Specialized Transport Gears Up for Work with Creation of 3 New Task Forces

- The Transportation Group is convening several new task forces focusing on critical issues impacting permitted loads, utilities, and awards. Task force participation is open to all members. Details are as follows:

Divisible Load Task Force
Objective: In anticipation of FHWA opening the federal divisible load definition up for comment, this task force will reexamine SC&RA’ s position on the definition of divisible vs. non-divisible loads and develop educational tools and other resources to facilitate education and communication with public permit and enforcement officials to ensure national consistency regarding the latest equipment, technology, and configurations considered non-divisible.

Utilities Task Force
Objective: With most states requiring permit carriers to coordinate directly with public utility and railroad rights of way they will encounter on a trip, this task force will investigate needs and strategies to develop better communication and coordination with these external partners.

Hauling Job of the Year Competition Task Force
Objective: This task force will focus on reviewing the existing category delineations, judging point system for our prestigious Hauling Job of the Year competition.

If you are interested in serving on any of these Task Forces, please contact SC&RA Vice President, Transportation Chris Smith.

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