Supporting Services


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SC&RA’s Allied Industries Member Companies are...

Connecting with Clients

"SC&RA meetings have allowed us to be an active player in crucial topics affecting members across states and provinces. For us, the Symposium is definitely the most profitable for what we are seeking. Attending meetings has helped us meet others in the industry and ultimately has helped our business be more successful and influential."

Louis Juneau NOVA Permits & Pilot Cars
Levis, QC, Canada


"SC&RA has helped me grow my business by giving me a chance to meet other manufacturers and learn about new technologies. Membership is an investment and the knowledge I gain is a valued asset that I use in my Mexican operations."

Alvaro Rodriguez, MPE Group
Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Advocating for the industry

"I think one of the greatest benefits of the association is being the voice of our industry when it comes to government regulations and laws. We have the chance to change the minds of politicians that really do not know our industry."

Kevin Johnston, J&R Engineering Co., Inc.
Mukwonago, WI, United States

Did you know?

For 75 years, SC&RA continues to be the only association that supports the crane, rigging, and specialized transportation niche construction markets.

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SC&RA provides access to over 1,300 members companies representing over 11,000 individuals in over 46 countries.

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70% of SC&RA’s membership conduct moving & lifting operations vs. 30% backend goods & services providers.

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85% of SC&RA’s members operations are headquartered in the United States vs. 15% international.

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First year members receive over $1,000 in free member benefits, including a complimentary meeting registration. 70% of SC&RA’s membership conduct moving & lifting operations vs. 30% backend goods & services providers.

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SC&RA connects supporting services companies with industry leaders through volunteer committees.

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"WHECO exhibits at both the Annual Conference and the Crane & Rigging Workshop, which gives us an opportunity to get in front of our customers. It’s not that often that you get anywhere from 300 to 600 of your customers in one room, with no other functions going on during the exhibits, which gives the opportunity to get the full face time with our customers."

Dave Wood
WHECO Corporation
Richland, WA, United States


"People come to an SC&RA event and then they see how they can benefit and their company can grow. Then you’ll see them exhibit and then see them in a committee. You see that time and time again in this association, and it is absolute proof that SC&RA membership is vital to the success of their business."

Trevor Pease
KHL Group Americas
Phoenix, AZ, United States

Additional Members Only Benefits include

Members have access to targeted sponsorship opportunities at all of SC&RA’s meetings.

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Members can promote their businesses through complimentary Membership Directory Listings (online and in print).

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Members can utilize the SC&RA member logo on all of their marketing materials for business development.

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Members receive discounted meeting registration and exhibit fees for all of SC&RA’s meetings.

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Members receive discounted advertising in American Cranes & Transport (AC&T) and International Cranes & Specialized Transport (IC&ST) magazines.

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Members can promote their products directly to potential customers through in-person meetings and webinar presentations.

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